What is a Qualified amBi Chapter?

The leadership of your amBi Chapter has access to the personnel and resources of a large, inter-connected bisexual community. We are here to help every chapter get on its feet, grow the membership, and maintain that momentum. amBi is here to help every chapter achieve its goals.

One resource amBi offers is Financial Aid, funding for Prides, Tent Pole Events, Fundraisers, and other important public outreach strategies. However, financial assistance for such projects is reserved for Qualified Chapters who meet minimum goals. This helps ensure that the chapter in question is organized and productive enough to handle the large-scale public outreach that such strategies entail. For a list of these minimum goals, read on below.

If your chapter hasn't yet met these goals, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. Our experienced leadership has helped multiple bi communities get started, grow, and thrive. They can offer invaluable assistance to your local bi community, so please don't be afraid to ask for help. That's what we're here for!

What are the Minimum Goals for Qualified Chapters?

Every chapter is unique, and it is important to meet the specific needs of each local community. Chapter leaders have the freedom to decide what kinds of meetups, events, and activities to host for their local community. Chapter leaders have a great deal of autonomy when it comes to the details of running their local bi community. It's up to you and your members to decide what your community needs.

That said, every local bi community has some common goals. These goals do not vary from city to city or even country to country. They are universal goals that all amBi chapters share. These common goals include:

  1. Finding and Keeping Reliable Local Leadership who represent the diversity of your town or city.  We ask Qualified Chapters to find and keep 2 Lead Organizers (preferably at least one of which is female) and at least 5 Event Organizers.  Ideally, Event Organizers (E.O.s) should be diverse in regard to ethnicity, age, race, and gender.  Event Organizers are people who regularly host meet-ups, activities, and/or events for the chapter.  Thus, we ask each E.O. to host at least 4 meet-ups per year.  Every local bi community needs a few reliable leaders.

  2. Hosting regular meet-ups and events for their local community.  We ask Qualified Chapters to have a minimum of two meet-ups per month for their chapter.  These meet-ups should be official amBi events.  Cross-promotions in the name of other organizations do not count toward this minimum.  Every local bi community benefits from regular meet-ups, activities, and events.

  3. Maintain a compelling a social calendar, including photos of meet-ups.  This means keeping an up-to-date calendar of events online via the resources amBi makes available.  We also ask organizers to post photos of past events.  People are inspired by images.  It helps people feel connected to the community.  Since the photos are posted to the private local chapter's site, there is little (if any) risk of exposure for members.  Every local bi community can benefit from a full calendar of quality events.

If your local Chapter meets these three minimum goals, you qualify to apply for funding from amBi for Prides, Tent Pole events, Fundraisers, and other public outreach strategies.  If you need help meeting these goals, please do not hesitate to seek assistance from our team.  We are here to help you grow and flourish.  :)